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Bangla daily quotes wrong figures, cites non-existent newspaper
One of Bangladesh’s largest and most read Bangla newspaper does a disservice to its fine...
Easier financial service access for RMG workers
Building on what has been achieved so far, the government and the private sector have...
BGMEA now part of government’s water resource protection efforts
The government of Bangladesh has taken an initiative to recharge ground water aquifers through Manage...
BGMEA President meets PwC Leader
A breakfast meeting between BGMEA President Rubana Huq and PwC Global Markets Leader Richard Oldfield...
Rubana Huq welcomes Ralph Lauren in Bangladesh
Ralph Lauren, one of the world’s largest fashion brands, has reopened their sourcing operations in...
BGMEA President meets PwC Leader
A breakfast meeting between BGMEA President Rubana Huq and PwC Global Markets Leader Richard Oldfield...
Rubana Huq welcomes Ralph Lauren in Bangladesh
Ralph Lauren, one of the world’s largest fashion brands, has reopened their sourcing operations in...
Rubana Huq urges for green labor
BGMEA president Dr. Rubana Huq sided in favour of adopting eco-friendly approaches for apparel industries...
SREDA, GIZ hold session at int'l energy conference
A session on Energy Efficiency Implementation in Industrial sector in the International Conference on Energy...
Second SAF ends promoting sustainability in Bangladesh’s RMG industry
With the aim of accelerating the momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry, Bangladesh Apparel...
Director Rubel emphasises on collaboration amongst apparel producing countries
BGMEA Director Mohiddin Rubel put emphasis on collaboration amongst apparel producing countries so that they...
SAF: Stakeholders discuss impact of purchasing practices
  Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has organized a roundtable discussion on how purchasing practices can...
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