Faruque Hassan, President of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), paid a visit to the Adamjee Export Processing Zone (EPZ) today.
During his visit, Faruque Hassan held a meeting with Moshiuddin Bin Mesbah, Executive Director of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA).
He urged the EPZ authority to provide comprehensive support to the factories operating within the EPZ.
Highlighting the pivotal role of EPZs in driving industrial development, Faruque Hassan emphasized the importance of facilitating a favorable industrial environment for garment factories.
Accompanied by Directors of Giant Group - Sharmeen Hassan Tithi, Azfar Hassan, and Ashaab Adeeb Hassan, Faruque Hassan toured various factories within the Adamjee EPZ.
He actively interacted with both workers and employers, gaining valuable insights into their perspectives and concerns.
Faruque Hassan highlighted the sound relationship between workers and employers within the Adamjee EPZ, underscoring its positive impact on productivity and fostering a harmonious work environment.
The BGMEA President called upon workers and entrepreneurs to stand united and work collaboratively for the development of the ready-made garment sector in Bangladesh.
He emphasized the significance of collective action in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities for sustainable growth and prosperity.
Faruque Hassan mentioned the ongoing efforts of BGMEA to promote sustainability in the RMG sector of Bangladesh.
BGMEA is actively engaged in raising awareness about the crucial role of tree plantation in protecting the environment and the planet.
He recalled the campaign undertaken by BGMEA in 2021 to plant trees in different areas including in garment factories.
After taking over the charge of BGMEA in 2021, Faruque Hassan, as part of the tree plantation program, planted saplings at the different factories in Adamjee EPZ in Narayanganj.
He requested the Adamjee EPZ authority to support and encourage tree plantation in the EPZ area.