A French movie "The Last Mercenary" directed by David Charon and released on Netflix on 30th July 2021 has drawn the attention of BGMEA as the movie contains disrespectful and derogatory comments on "Made in Bangladesh" garments. It hurts our feelings and pride as in one scene the main character “the Mist” makes a negative comment about our made in Bangladesh tag. BGMEA has sent a letter to the CEO of Netflix expressing protest and demanding removal of the dialogue or scene from the movie and halt on streaming of the movie until expunging of the dialogue or scene.
Following is the response of BGMEA:
A French movie “Last Mercenary” directed by David Charon and released on Netflix on 30th July 2021 contains disrespectful and derogatory comments about ‘Made in Bangladesh’ garments. The comments in the movie say “Yes, Bulletproof Tuxedo, Made in France. I’d be dead if it were Bangladesh”. These comments are tantamount to belittle the hard work, dedication, quality and on time manufacturing commitment of the 4 million garment workers of Bangladesh who are delivering ‘Made in Bangladesh’ apparel to about 160 countries of the world, including the USA.
We think these disrespectful remarks not only undermined the joint efforts made by Bangladesh RMG industry along with its international development partners which ensured progress and development that are being recognized internationally and receiving worldwide appreciations; but also dishonored the emotion of millions of consumers worldwide whose wardrobes are full with ‘Made in Bangladesh’ attires and many of which are their favorites. The apparel manufacturers and workers of Bangladesh put all their dedications and commitments to supply apparel for the top global brands; and they take lot of pride in what they make. This hard work and pride should be respected by all. Therefore, BGMEA, on behalf of all the manufacturers and workers of Bangladesh apparel industry, is vehemently protesting the comments made in the movie “Last Mercenary”.
In view of the above, we seek and request your urgent attention and demand that the dialogue from the scene of the movie that degrade garments ‘Made in Bangladesh’ to be expunged. We are also requesting Netflix being a responsible and reputable company to stop streaming the movie “Last Mercenary” on Netflix until the dialogue or the scene is removed from the movie.