A six member German team for new GIZ project entitled “Bangladesh German Higher Education Network for Sustainable Textile” visited BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) on 29 May to discuss this envisioned project among German Higher Education, Textile fashion Institute and BUFT.
Faruque Hassan, Senior Vice President of BGMEA & Member of Board of Trustees, BUFT, gave warm welcome and discussed overall activities of BUFT. There was a fruitful discussion between the parties and decided to work together for the development of RMG, Fashion and Textile education of Bangladesh as well as research collaboration.
The team members include Ms. Julia Becker, Bildung beruftiche Bildung and Arberitsmarkt, GIZ; Heike Knoop, Technical Advisor, GIZ; Lars Gerold, Head of section development cooperation institution building in higher education, DAAD; Christain von Mitzlaff, advisor of sustainable Textiles, GIZ and Zia Ahad. They expressed their satisfaction visiting at the BUFT campus and eager to work in partnership with BUFT.